Gentle Leader

When I walk down the street with Zelda and she’s wearing her gentle leader people are so frightened by the way she looks. I love using it when I’m not up for a challenging walk or when Zelda hasn’t been out walking for a few days. If you have an extremely strong dog that likes to pull, you might want to try the gentle leader. It looks like a muzzle, but IS NOT one. Zelda can bark, eat and accept treats while using her gentle leader. If she happens to pull too much while we’re walking, a light tug on the leash will give some gentle pressure on calming points around her throat. If you have a smart dog like Zelda…your dog won’t pull while wearing the gentle leader. Dogs learn so fast!

I gotta go…Zelda is ready for our walk now.

Happy Father’s Day Weekend to all the DESERVING DADS out there. I hope your kids are doing something special for you!

~ by oneshotbeyond on June 20, 2009.

11 Responses to “Gentle Leader”

  1. She looks so intent, Let’s go! I’ve seen people with pulling dogs enjoy walks for the first time using the gentle leader.

  2. I’d like to give Zelda a big fat kiss on the nose.

  3. I just got my education, Heather. This is totally new to me!

  4. We used to have a “choke chain” for our German Shepherd. Annie wouldn’t feel it unless she started to try to challenge us on her walk. Must be a similar concept — maybe a more gentle concept. We miss our Annie. 😦

  5. I have the gentle leader in blue for Lucas. Unfortunately the lil guy still pulls when he’s wearing it and has figured out that if he dips his head down enough the nose part can slip off. Mine goes around the head and nose. It looks like your goes around the neck and nose. I will have to see of mine can go on that way and maybe that will help. I will try anything to get him not to pull….especially when I move into the condo next month and he will now have to go on a leash every day – and he’s so not used to that for the past 6 years of his life.

    Great photo of your bud Zelda!

  6. Zelda’s eyes are shining with her intelligence and poise. Lovely.

  7. She is so beautiful! I often see similar devices on dogs and wondered about the purpose. Thanks for the explanation.

  8. A fabulous shot of gorgeous Zelda. I’ve seen those gentle leaders but never knew what they were for. Thanks for the great photo and the explanation!

  9. What a beautiful dog, and friend.

    Thanks for the Fathers Day Greeting!

  10. The leader leads to a really good shot actually. That leading line works well 😉

  11. She is beautiful! She reminds me of Magnum PI 😉 But obviously not aggressive like those puppies!

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