The List

This List Was Developed to Keep Me Focused on both the Future and on living for Today. I will put things to do (small & big), places I want to see or visit one day and challenges I’d like to conquer here for my reference. You can watch me add to the list, revise the list and hopefully eventually accomplish each item on my list. That is…if that’s something you’d like to do. πŸ™‚

The order these are written is not of any importance.

1. Visit NJ and NY City while letting my friend Jen fulfill her offer to show me around when I get there

2. Learn to play piano

3. Decorate my new workspace & share it on here

4. Surprise somebody special with something very enexpected in their time of need

5. Get involved in a book exchange

6. Update my hairstyle

7. Bake something from scratch

8. Have a better fitness routine

9. Stop leaving shoes all over-FOR GOOD

10. Go to Alaska

11. Have a “girls night”

12. Take my son to a hockey game

13. Plan a mother/daughter day that Brit will dig

14. Take a trip somewhere with my sister-Sacramento!

15. Go wine tasting

16. White Water River Rafting

17. Visit Brenda in LA

18. Organize my old photos

19. Go to Ireland

always to be cont.

One Response to “The List”

  1. I’m confident that California wine tasting is more than “just a tad” different than Southern Illinois wine tasting. However, one of the best “girl’s day out” I went on was a winery tour in a LIMO! A group of about 12 of us hired a limo for the day and went from winery to winery; tasting, enjoying, laughing, giggling, etc. – all very safely! And, of course, we brought many, many bottles of our favorites home for future enjoyment.

    Go for it, Heather! And, enjoy!

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