What I’m Working On

A blogging break doesn’t mean a shooting break!

The following & lots more are coming soon:

Marc & Susana’s Wedding

Sweet Hailey

My Nephew (A. J.)

Oh…these were all taken with the D300s that I am getting to know very well.

~ by oneshotbeyond on March 27, 2010.

7 Responses to “What I’m Working On”

  1. That D300 is obviously in very good hands! You must be thrilled with your results so far…………..

  2. I guess it’s good news when you never have a shooting break, Heather. Congratulations!

  3. You ARE a busy girl arent you! Looking forward to seeing more shots!

  4. keeping busy! that’s awesome!

  5. You have a new toy! How exciting, especially when you are so busy! Looking forward to seeing more posts 🙂

  6. Sweet Hailey…adorable, as is your nephew. I trying to get caught up today with some of my favorite photographers!

  7. Thank you all! 🙂

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